The EU has established the "E xxx" number system which was later adopted internationally with for objective to inform the consumer but the "E xxx" only means that the added compound identified has been tested, included in a database and labeled safe in reasonable amounts. But even though these compounds have been tested the EU is back tracking on the following:
E 102 - Tartrazin yellow
E 104 - Quinoline yellow
E 110 - Sunset yellow SY
E 122 - Azorubine red
E 124 - Ponceau 4R red
And will be banned from mid 2010...what shocks me is that we don't know what is in the food anymore, when our grandmothers went to buy yogurt they were buying just that now its a yogurt plus some kind of shit.
So I decided not buy anything with E xxx on in it (even though Im sure some of these products have things that have not been tested or hide them under obscure names) better safe than sorry I thought, well first its really hard, try it :) practically everything in the supermarket has an E xxx in it.
I can see it the fridge has 60% less food articles in it now!
Below a few links that might help guide you