Polonium-210 in Marlboro

Remember the outcry when Polonium-210 was used to poison the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006.

Well what if you knew that it is present in Marlboro cigarettes produced by Philip Morris, that when you smoke you ingest it and that the people around you also.

Quote from Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts:

"Polonium-210, which emits alpha particles, is a natural contaminant of tobacco. For an individual smoking two packages of cigarettes a day, the radiation dose to bronchial epithelium from Po210 inhaled in cigarette smoke probably is at least seven times that from background sources, and in localized areas may be up to 1000 rem or more in 25 years. Radiation from this source may, therefore, be significant in the genesis of bronchial cancer in smokers."

Polonium 210 will damage organic tissue easily if it is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, although they do not penetrate the skin.

It also seems that Philip Morris knew about Polonium-210 since 1978 and has tried to resolve the issue but failed, and that Philip Morris instructed its scientist to keep all the issue quiet since it would be like  "waking a sleeping giant" to make the information public.

This is mass scale murder these people have no morals and must pay, anyone working for Philip Morris who would not devulg information on this issue could be liable criminally since it is basically poisoning on a massive scale.