Will The US Gov. Take Down Bitcoin ?

We are presently in a run for the bank situation everyone knows that the USD has no real value but we all accepted it because its the global base currency and the base purchase currency for oil trading and until now there was no acceptable alternative the US Dollar is fighting for its survival actually the FED is close to its End.

The real question is how will the US government stop divestment from the USD to Bitcoin and other crypto virtual currencies ? and how will it do it world wide ? if you have answers to these questions you are one step ahead in the bitcoin pack.

If you look back to 1933  US was in a similar situation and as a result Executive Order 6102 was issued , so we could imagine a similar situation where the US governments  would make the presence use of bitcoin miners and wallets illegal on the internet as well as possession.


I see this to be quite hard because of the decentralized nature of the internet and the need for worldwide coordinated action from the majority of the countries that route the internet.

One could also think that the NSA could get into Bitming with its super computer and take control the currency explained in this link:



I have heard chatter that the Iranians will start to accepting Bitcoins for oil purchases to bring down the USD and inturn Israel it also seems that China is ready to dance with the devil Bitcoin if it helps to bring down the USD actually everyone that hates the US policies is buying bitcoins.

Conclusion put 10% of your wealth in Crypto Virtual Currencies