According to different websites about about 5$ per 1000 page views, that is .005$ per page view.
Now if you read any of these sites (for example Google "1,000 x 30 x 1.2% x $0.63 = $226.80") you will see that the parameters are rather obscure mainly due to AdSense variable pricing system.
But like if asked what are the 3 most important factors answer would be Location, Location, Location on the web it would be Content, Content, Content.
1) Find your niche and write about or give your viewers something you would find useful.
2) Make an effort on how the information is presented.
3) Youtube Videos
4) Good Tags
5)Amazon Estore
6) Write articles about asbestos (not joking)
Do NOT ask anyone to click on add links its against AdSense rules !!!
Do NOT ask anyone to click on add links its against AdSense rules !!!
but if you are not getting more than 1000 page views per day don't bother thats my 5 Cents