There are a few things that I have learnt... but its like feeling someones face in the dark ...you recognize but you don't see/ fully understand...
1) We have no choice our lives are pre "programed" we like to think that we do because it gives us a feeling of control but actually we are the result and origin of a perfect mathematical equation.
2) Because everything is relative (see Eisenstein) our personal point of view NOW is our only reality and it is unique to us therefore real understanding of others is impossible.
3) Nothing is really born or dies it just transforms.
4) Our "life" is the "time" it takes for our "self" and anti "self" to travel their opposite mirror paths until they meet again and equalize.
5) Everything is a de-multiplication of the origin at different "levels" and the more similar we are in state the more we "understand" each other, the more we "attract" to each other. (stones "understand" each other)
6) Opposites attract but when they meet they equalize each other.