What ISIS Really Wants by G Wood

A long but very concise and interesting explanation of what the ISIS is and wants... a should read for anyone interested in the middle east and different islamic cults.


"Muslims who call the Islamic State un-Islamic are typically,  embarrassed and politically correct, with a cotton-candy view of their own religion that neglects what their religion has historically and legally required" 

"Barack Obama himself drifted into takfiri waters when he claimed that the Islamic State was “not Islamic”—the irony being that he, as the non-Muslim son of a Muslim, may himself be classified as an apostate, and yet is now practicing takfir against Muslims."

"Muslims can say that slavery is not legitimate now, and that crucifixion is wrong at this historical juncture. Many say precisely this. But they cannot condemn slavery or crucifixion outright without contradicting the Koran and the example of the Prophet. “The only principled ground that the Islamic State’s opponents could take is to say that certain core texts and traditional teachings of Islam are no longer valid,” Bernard Haykel says. That really would be an act of apostasy"

Princeton scholar Bernard Haykel